
La triste Vespa

Poor Vespa. It has been so neglected lately.

There are a couple of reasons for this. The first is that I went on a short vacation two weeks ago, but the "planning for" and "recovery from" periods extended the impact said short vacation had on my available Vespa riding time, which is low to begin with. Being a grown-up sucks, because unlike the cashier or data-entry or call center jobs of yore, the work that arose during the vacation was still waiting for me when I got back. There was no “other” person on a nameless team of people to do it in my absence. It makes a vacation almost not worth it, no?

The second is that The Roommate dared me to break one of my all-time cardinal rules, and I regretfully accepted. You know how when you go to the zoo to visit the baby pandas, there are little signs around that say DO NOT FEED THE ANIMALS along with some fine print about how the zoo isn’t trying to be mean, it’s just that human food is not good for them? I seriously think there should be a sign posted within ten feet of me at all times that says DO NOT GIVE GINNY FICTION with some fine print about how it’s for my own good and some bold print especially warning against serial young adult fiction. Cause honestly people, it is like crack to me—once I start, I cannot put it down, no matter how mediocre the writing.

Unfortunately, I have no such sign and so The Roommate didn’t know what damage she was doing when she offered me her copy of Twilight, the first book in Stephenie Meyer’s young adult series about hot teen vampire romance (words I never expected to type). It’s fiction, by the way, and in case you’re like me and you never heard of it, it is somewhat of a cultural phenomenon and a major bestseller—or so the tweens whose online Twilight forums I’ve been stalking have informed me. Incidentally, it is also written by an LDS girl who grew up in Scottsdale, Arizona (and although I am also an LDS girl who grew up in Scottsdale and there aren’t that many of us, I don’t know her. But the books are not LDS-themed*). Thank goodness the Roommate did this on a Friday night instead of like a Wednesday night or something, because it only resulted in a Lost Weekend instead of a Lost Workweek Replete With Lost Job. I read Twilight on Friday night after work, made my way through the second book, New Moon, on Saturday and Sunday, and finished the third, Eclipse, by Tuesday. I’m not saying these books are the best thing since Ulysses, but they are definite page-turners. Needless to say, reading approximately 1800 pages and discussing them with The Roommate and the sisters and the mom and lurking on tween online forums and feeling shame for lurking on tween online forums and wondering why I don’t have the html skills of the average 11-year old and sleeping and working and attending church over a four-day period does not leave much time to take the Vespa out for a spin. In fact, it doesn’t leave much time for grocery shopping or laundry washing or any number of things that should be done on the average weekend and should especially be done on a weekend following a short vacation.

The third reason is that I recently ordered a snappy new baby blue and white helmet, which has not yet arrived. But just knowing that it exists and is on its way makes me all the more saddened at the thought of riding with my current gargantuan black helmet. I promise to post pics comparing the two once the new one finally gets here. In fact, I promise to ride the Vespa somewhere dreamy in the coming week and post pics of that as well.

In other news, Vespa is holding an amateur video contest to promote their new Vespanomics campaign. The winning auteur will receive a new Vespa GTS, which puts my lilLX-150 to shame. More importantly, if I already know the winning auteur, he or she can be in my scooter gang. I have seen some of the entries and I know you can do better, people. Get on it!

Apologies for yet another self-obsessed, pic-less post. I have every intention of mending my ways shortly.

* And for you non-Morms out there, I just want to assure you that Vampire mythology and other elements of the occult are not a part of our religious beliefs, no matter what your neighbor who “knew a guy” told you.


Renee said...

I'm just glad you posted Ginny! I've been slowly decending into a funk due to the lack of updates from you and others who shall not be named.

I will be eternally grateful that Powell's Bookstore was sold out of Twilight when I went to buy it a few months ago. Seeing as how I have yet to read the final installment of Harry Potter (which I fully expect to take over my life) I cannot fathom adding another tween takeover to the list. I've decided that those books will have to become the "24" and "Heros" of literature for me. I know I'll be out of the loop and unable to participate in water cooler talk, but I'm trying to be ok with that.

Kate said...

You have been missed in Blogland.

I just ordered Twilight because everyone's talking about it... although I'm still not so sure about vampires. I originally ordered all three, but then I read a not-so-great review on a certain blog and cancelled the second 2 before the ordered shipped. I'm sure I'll end up buying them as soon as I finish the first.

I haven't been able to put down the current series of books I'm reading (an LDS set of 6 called Gables of Legacy), and they're not even that great... I just can't quit. So I get it. I'll let you know how Twilight goes for me.

Evan said...

I'm so glad I'm impervious to peer pressure from the tween set and thus have never even heard of Twilight.

I'm also THRILLED that you finally posted... and I have to apologize for the interruption at church today where I felt like I was scolding you for not doing your homework (i.e. posting). It was only because me and The Wife are big fans.

Mrs. Dub said...

i can't even begin to get into the "they're-not-good-but-yet-they're-good" bizareness that is the twilight series.

but i will say they've made your google ads far more interesting. who knew there were so many vampire girls to meet online?

P Daddy said...

Can't comment on the Twilight series. I think men my age reading tween literature have to register with the government and get counseling. However, I am always glad to see a posting silence broken without revelation of anything else broken (fenders, helmets, bones). Knowing the great obstacle the big black helmet has been to presentation of the desired Roman Holiday meets Prada (meets Benigni?) visual statement, I'm happy for your acquisition of the more stylish helmet. But just think how much more affordable it would have been if you had cured your restlessness with the Twilight series, some white pancake base, a lot of black eyeliner, and a little tooth filing. The ads Mrs. Dub refers to seem to have been deleted, but apparently it would have opened up a whole new range of social opportunities, too. However, factoring in tatoo removal and hematology appointments...Viva la Vespa!

mommie said...

Just glad to know you are breathing.

Ryan said...

Have heard wonderful things about Twilight but my ability to read fiction has declined with the demise of my imagination. On another note, I've heard some nice things about you as a dinner guest from a friend.

sara said...

That is the very reason I've never leapt onto the HPB. (Harry Potter Bandwagon.)

Can't wait to see the new helmet! Or do you bikers have a cooler name for those, like "the 'met"? I bet your new gangmembers could come up with something good.

Jennifer said...

GINNY! I read your post about a blue and white helmet!!!! I've been on the computer for hrs now trying to find one with those exact colors.....PLEASE help me! What brand? and where did you find it?