
Toddlers having toddlers

My precious (and famous) 1.5-year-old niece, Miss Dub, on her way to work the swing shift at the cookie factory to provide for her illegitimate teletubuspawn. (Apologies to Mrs. Dub for stealing the pic, but it's my fave ever.)

Unfortunately, stuffed baby no. 1 is already exhibiting some behavioral problems.

Here she is studying for her GED. With this kind of dedication, we can only hope she will overcome the odds against her and somebody will make an inspiring and profitable movie about her life.


Mrs. Dub said...

What? Jamie-Lynn is doing it.

hilari said...

mrs dub and i really are to blame. i mean that trip miss dub took to az could have done her in. i think she and a certain son of mine might have had just a little too much alone time if you know what i mean...

Mary said...

She IS meant for stardom, it's true. Who else has such an expression filled face every time. But I was kind of hoping to see her in Vanity Fair before The Star.

But, even though I had seen these photos before, thanks for letting me bask in them once again.

Unknown said...
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Tat said...

The photo confirms my suspicion that I should stalk your blog more often. Thanks for the laugh.