
In case you haven't met your advertising intake quota today...

I need some advice: how can one find time to blog? Cause I just don’t seem to have it. Right now I am “cheating” by blogging while I am at work and therefore supposed to be working on things other than my blog. As a result, my billables will be low today. If you do not know what billables are, consider yourself very fortunate.

So yeah, any advice on efficient blogging methods will be most appreciated. In return, I will share with you a few of my more recent fascinations:

The Nike+ Sportband

If you haven’t seen this, it is a pedometer and a watch and a running diary and the display of a treadmill all in one—the cross-promotional brainchild of Nike and Apple, corporate giants who I think are worthy of their own celebrity relationship name, like “Nipple.” Or maybe not.

So… you put a little chip in your shoe and it transmits info to the sportband while you are walking or running, like the distance you’ve traveled, your pace, the time elapsed, calories burned, etc. Then you go home and plug a removable portion of the sportband into your USB drive where it uploads and tracks all your information for you on the Nike+ website, which is managing that “Human Race” project appearing in annoying pop-ups all over the Internet. The website lets you set all sorts of training goals and participate in virtual running groups with people around the world.

Oh yeah, you can also skip the sportband and have the chip communicate with your latest gen Nano… but I love my regular iPod and the sportband is a heckuva lot cheaper than buying a Nano just for this purpose.

One warning—when I first got it about two months ago, I just put the chip in my usual running shoes. This was painful at times (like having a smooth rock in my shoe) and the results were less than accurate. Last weekend I finally splurged on a pair of the Nike+ shoes, which contain a compartment for the chip under the lining in the shoe. Not only are the shoes super comfortable, but I have since tested the sportband on a couple of treadmills and it was so precise I chose not to mess with the calibration.

The Kiltie

I have been known to make an accurate fashion prediction or two. (Remember the cameo jewelry trend of 2003? I totally called that one in summer ’02. And remember how I bought a Vespa before people were fighting over them like Tickle Me Elmos and you could actually get one below MSRP? 'Nuff said.) Anyhow, I think this adorable golf shoe staple is going to make a big comeback. It will start out on sports shoes and loafers but will eventually inspire all sorts of fringes and trims, even going so far as to replace the grommet.
Being ahead of the trend and all, I fell hard for these Puma Golf Cat shoes with a removable kiltie and might have bought them in a couple of colors when I recently wandered into a Puma outlet despite the fact that I know I have no business going to Puma outlets as such are very dangerous places for me and my pocketbook. I also bought them despite the fact that I don’t play golf, but they have rubber soles that can be worn anywhere, including on a Vespa.

(And for those of you who are horrified that this post refers to the recent purchase of several pairs of shoes, you clearly don’t know me…)

(And thanks to recent birthday girl wingonwing for the LAist article.)


Mrs. Dub said...

I, too, foresaw a golf-inspired trend in clothing and footwear, but I'd yet to see it in stores.

As for finding time to blog - I do mine as soon as I wake up, but I suppose you actually have to get ready. I, on the other hand, rarely shower before 9.

steph said...

oooh, i want the nike+ armband... maybe it would motivate me to run with more frequency.

Mary said...

Finding time to actually blog on the internet isn't so much of a problem as stopping the blogging voices in my head from taking over my life.

Kate said...

Your mom's comment makes me laugh. It's SO true.
Now, back to your post...
My friend Paula can't stop raving about the Nike+ thing, and now I can't stop thinking about calling it the "Nipple."
Kiltie's are sort of strange. I'm not sure about that one. Those Pumas are darling, however.
Unfortunately I know about billables. Fortunately my hubs doesn't have very high requirements at the present time. But he's looking for a new job, so most likely billables will become a more important issue in our household soon. (Speaking of attorney positions, do you know of any firms in the Phx area who are looking to hire an associate? I hate to ask, but we're getting a little frantic.)

Renee said...

I love this post for all of the fun new lingo alone. Kilties (never heard of them...but love it) and I'll never pass up a chance to use nipple in a sentence. Perhaps you should forward this post to PDiddy (who apparently cringes at any mention of the N word...not to be confused with PDaddy).

I wish I could answer your question on when to blog. I'm fighting the same battle...which is made worse by the fact that all of my previously unsecured networked neighbors have recently gone secure and I no longer have internet at home. What?? PAY for the internet?? Nonesense!!

Kelley Bochman Smith said...

I lOVE those shoes! must get....(I can't seem to have any interesting items to blog lately, that's my problem. and it is hard to keep up on everyones blogs..)

Unknown said...
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brookegfunk said...

I didnt catch the cameo craze but grunge was my thing before everyone else jumped the bandwagon-I was soo glad I had tons of my Dads plaid shirts to tie around my waist. Kevin bought the shoes and chip for me Christmas of 06' and before I used the chip it was stolen -wahhhh. It is good to know it works! I enjoy the Pumas and think you+golfyshoes+vespa=perfection!

P Daddy said...

Perhaps a future post can discuss the adaptability of the Nipple chip/band to archery or the relative pros and cons for the amateur of the Puma Kiltie versus the Nike Akribis. And on your next shoe shopping spree you could pay tribute to both family shopping preferences and a new hobby by picking up a pair of these.

Unknown said...

hella appreciate the shout out.

quilterpolly said...

I happened to come across your blog today and you drew me in with the nike band working with apple...I wan't it so bad but don't feel quite confident putting out that much money...

Anonymous said...

Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!