
Weird Valerie Appreciation Day

This blog has been all about the scooters lately. And that's not necessarily bad, as Vespatherapy is the theme and all, but like the small-print readers at the end of pharmaceutical ads, I realize the same prescription "is not for everybody."

And so forgive me, but this post will be less about Vespas and more about Valeries—Weird Valeries, in fact. My astute friend and former law school classmate Wingonwing is the brainchild behind the "Weird Valerie" moniker. Like me, Wing switched schools every so often as she was growing up, an experience that made her realize that there is one girl at every school who's really eager to befriend the new students—too eager, in fact. That girl is Weird Valerie.

On your first day of school, you're really grateful for Weird Valerie's hospitality and willingness to show you around, eat with you in the cafeteria, etc. By your third day you've nailed your schedule and met a few people you think you might have more in common with than WV, who simply won't stop repeating recent conversations she's had with her pet gerbils (both sides). By the fifth day you realize it's not socially possible to incorporate WV into your new group of friends, especially when mom always said that "beggars can't be choosers," and as a new student, you are definitely begging for acceptance. During the second week you have an awkward exchange with WV in the lunch line, when she turns to go to her regular spot and you say "Actually, I was going to go eat with Other Person today." You feel terrible, but WV shrugs her shoulders and doesn't even ask to come with you. By your second month, you no longer say "hi" to her when she passes in the hall.

And, mind you, Wing and I are not sexist. Weird Valerie definitely has a male counterpart, and his name is Weird Sheldon. As Wing has observed, WS spends most of his time on first dates "at that burger place on . . . university avenue? remember that place? with the shakes?" If you are a single girl, do not talk to WS unless you want to end up on just such a first date. Be further forewarned that WS keeps a diamond ring handy in the event there is ever a second date.

While her actions are predictable, Weird Valerie is a bit of an enigma. First, does she recognize what an important and selfless role she serves as the designated transitional friend to new students, neighbors, coworkers, etc.? She's like a person standing along a fence, cupping her hands so she can give everyone a lift up, only there's nobody left to give her a lift when she needs it.

Second, what would Weird Valerie say if she truly spoke her mind? Is there more to her than mothballs? Does she realize that her timid preference for light-hearted and completely unrelatable topics such as gerbils and her desire to learn Gaelic is, perhaps, the very source of her pariah status? Because when you take a step back, you realize that Weird Valerie is perfectly capable of faking normal—it's why you were friends with her in the first place.

And haven't we all felt like Weird Valerie at certain times and places in our lives? For example, Wing started a new job a month or two ago, and she's convinced that she's the Weird Valerie at her workplace. I am convinced Wing is full of it and is just frustrated that she hasn't yet made 50 new BFFs, as she is prone to doing—but I'll save that debate for our lengthy email exchange on the topic. As evidence of her Weird Valerie status, Wing offers that she is "becoming a nervous unnecessary storyteller, like, that person who is all, OH that happened to me once, blah blah unnecessary poorly told storycakes that no one cares about . . .when did i turn in to this person? no seriously. when?"

So I have to admit that sometimes when I am driving around on my Vespa, I fear I'm the Weird Valerie of the road. The reason is that I feel like with my jeans, hoodie, and rubber motorcycle gloves, I look like a girl with "something to prove." But the reality is that I'm just a girl who likes red and shiny things, who wanted to learn something new, and who is trying very, very hard not to die in the process. When I look at Wing's situation and my own, I realize that we get Weird Valerie paranoia when we believe others have an untrue or unfair perception of us. Truth be told, they probably haven't had the time to form such a perception—like us, they were too busy faking normal.

So, given all my recent thoughts towards and sympathy for the Weird Valeries of the world, I thought I would nominate today as WEIRD VALERIE APPRECIATION DAY. I feel safe declaring this here, as I don't consider any of this blog's readers to be Weirds of the Valerie or Sheldon type. I think we should all take a minute to call, email, or text a Weird Valerie in our life and let her know how much we appreciate her friendship and willingness to help others. Feel free to report back in the comments section, if you feel so inclined.

(But whatever you do, please, PLEASE do not call me today. It would seriously take me 50 Vespa rides to get over it.)


steph said...

lol. no, seriously. rotfl! i am TOTALLY weird valerie! and i'm totally that unnecessary storyteller... especially when i'm uncomfortable. don't most ppl shut up? not me, i just keep on talking - more and more and more. never about gerbils, but definitely about running into walls on a daily basis. oh, it's embarrassingly true!

Mrs. Dub said...

My Weird Valerie is Valerie Bertinelli. But I can't seem to find her phone number anywhere.

Renee said...

Having just moved to a new city, I definitely have a weird valerie. Actually two. One of them is great. She was the perfect transitional friend, panic attacks and all. I do feel terribly guilty that she's classified as such, but she fits the bill. Many of you have already heard the stories :)

I also dread being a weird valerie. Just this week I found myself awkwardly telling countless stories with lackluster endings. I'm usually a really good story teller...but I was off my game and I think it had to do with the fact that I have become a weird valerie and gerbils aren't that funny.

Angy said...

I'm with Steph on this one... I'm TOTALLY weird valerie! lol. usually always in fact :P but I tend to embrace that quality. afterall, it does make for good stories! lol

Emily said...

oh, sad!! You totally wrote this post thinking about your Weird Valerie in the LA 1st ward...namely me. How embarassing.

mommie said...

I have had alot of WV's in my day . . . mostly because I've had A LOT of days. But truth be told, I really DO appreciate them. Kind of after the fact.

Oh, go ahead and call me. I'm sure I'll bend your ear with a swell story.

P Daddy said...

Well, I certainly can go on and on with a story, or just talking, or continual interruptions, but probably more a Verbal Vic, because I was never good at befriending the new kid. And though I went to 7 schools in K-12 and lived in 7 cities (but only one state) and 9 houses in 18 years, the Valeries and Sheldons must have hooked up and dropped the outreach program because I don't remember any wierd but transitorially helpful fast and fawning friends when I was the new kid.

Great insights and fun read, even if the topic was scooterless.

Evan said...

I've had a Weird Sheldon and a Weird Valerie (both indespensible), and while you think WS is saving that diamond ring for his second date with a lady, he has made me feel pretty awkward sometimes...

ginny said...

LOVE that everyone thinks they're WV. None of you are. Especially Emily W--the whole time I was writing the description of WV, I was asking myself, "Was I Emily W's WV? I DID bombard her when she was new and insist she hang out with me. Forever."

oscar said...

You are hilarious. I think we all have been the weird Valerie/Sheldon at some point in our lives...just a bit too excited to make a new friend or tell the joke/story that seemed funny in your head but deflates halfway through but since you started you finish anyway knowing the listener is only smiling and nodding to be polite. I just wanted to tell you I laugh every time I read your blog. I can't believe your car ended up in that club--I may have seen it there :)

cheyney webb said...

This is so true. I have been through many WVs. I was almost lured by a WV at church but recognized her almost immediately and declined the inevitable cycle. However after having such a tough time with the new job, I long for a WV to befriend me.

hilari said...

love it, too many WV are coming to mind. thinking back, they really did have the best intentions, just the equally socially weird parents. they never had a chance to not be a WV. it was their destiny.

sara said...

I can't come up with anything witty to say but I thought this post was great!

Unknown said...

let me just say that i developed my weird valerie prototype at a time when i didn't know any real person named valerie (no offense bertinelli. you lost me at van halen), and i based it off of two very real girls who i am POSITIVE that NONE of you could even compare to, not that we don't all have our WV moments. as ginny knows, between the two original Weird Valeries were the following descriptors, just to give you an idea of the uber platinum WV levels of which i now so flippantly jest: ichthyologists, runaway nuns, France, pseudonyms, unibrow, imported prom date (Estonia) (no, really), fishing lures as necklaces.

i wish i could say the original WV's were really nice gals after all was weirdly/awkwardly said and (oddly abandoned before) done, but in fact, both never seemed to get over their Linger Too Long syndrome, complete with "dude, more blinking! blink already!"-itis, even as we neared voting age. i feel if we are ever worried about WV-ing about with reckless abandon, a little "oh, i must dash off to do such and such" and more blinking can be a WV quick fix.
thus saith the ili.

Unknown said...

also, g, if you ever feel very WV, you can just suit up in your "girl get your WV on" shirt and scoot around, spreading the message. you know you already mentally designed a WV shirt. i'll take two! she said monotone-ly, without blinking.

P Daddy said...

Don't know if you saw Jennifer Love Hewitt on Leno Tuesday night. I would probably never watch anything (particularly Ghost Whisperer) that she is in, but I always find her a refreshingly real and down to earth (if giggly and silly) interview. Maybe it's an act, but she seems like a genuine and nice person.

At any rate, she said wants to get a Vespa...part of her Hepburn persona/fantasy, but Leno told her she'd kill herself. He asked if she'd ever ridden a motorcycle or scooter and she said no, but she wants to learn. This was after a discussion I missed on doing pushups and buying some workout aparatus. Her ending line was that next time she was going to come on his show, "buff, low maintenance, and riding in on my Vespa." That could be your new personal motto.

I thought I would email her website, leave your blog url, and offer your consulting services (you know, you could show her the wave and sell her your old helmet). If the very likely riding friendship blooms, maybe you give her some help on scripts, too. I think she could use some help there.

Unknown said...

oh man. you are so going to have jloH in your scooter gang!

mommie said...

Okay ... NOW Weird Valerie is seriously getting on my nerves.

I want to hear about something new ... and weird.